Friday, January 18, 2008

Night Flights woke me up

This is a bit of a test. Dunno what Blogger will do with this post.
Update: mobile Blogger set up a new blog for me, but I could choose to post them here instead. Might stick to using Shozu in future. Free Wifi zones to encourage nerds to congregate and buy things out of guilt? Mobile office for the officeless Web 2.0 startups? As 343 Guilty Spark said once... Hmm, that's a good idea.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Played around with this Adjustable Google Flooding thing, which lets you adjust the world's sea level in 1m increments. "Back, I say!". This is best viewed whilst listening to Thom Yorke's solo album, The Eraser.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

A shadowy flight (and other bad photography techniques) into the mind of me...

I'm hoping more people will go and read her book in fact. Anything for a fairer world... this is me, I will be mostly blogging about the impending end of our civilisation (and serves us right, eh?) by flooding, most likely, and hopefully what I type here will offset my carbon by making other people more aware. I'm not that fussed actually. I am equally likely to blog about LOLcats. I'm gonna go and start up a houseboat company called "Arkitects". Or something.